AMRAP in 20 min of:
5 deadlifts 95/135
5 power cleans 45/95
5 push press 45/95
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Ever try this one - KONG STYLE?
You need to have the fundamentals of this workout down first. Don't even try it if you haven't been with us for 6 months, or so. If you've never done this workout before, don't try it either. Surely don't try it if you still have movement anomalies. In other words, if you've been told by a trainer you have trouble keeping a strict inward curve to your lumbar spine and/or have poor flexibility in your shoulders - DON'T. If you don't completely understand all of the moves here - DON'T
However, if you are looking for a unique challenge from this workout. And if you are feeling particularly up to it. Give this a look and/or try. Today it fits perfectly with our weekly programming. It'll knock your nose into the dirt (dirtknocker)!
AMRAP in 20 min of:
5 deadlifts 135/225
5 power cleans 95/135
5 push press 95/135
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Daily Extras -Do the “Burpee Challege”
Rookies - 24 burpees
Experienced - 43 burpees
Vets - 62 burpees
Workout Notes:
New to this workout? The insta feed to the R will help you picture how to do it.
Beginners; this workout is best done with KBs and DBs.
If you have not mastered the fundamentals of bar work, use KBs and DBs.
Here is a really good video demo of How to do a Power Clean for Beginners.
20 min is plenty of time to get a terrific workout.
Come a little early and determine the weights you will use for the entire 20 min. This workout takes a bit to set up.
If you take weight off the bar during the workout make sure your line gives consensus.
If you take weight off the bar during the workout you must put weights away before continuing workout.
Putting weights in the walking lanes is a tripping hazard.
Don't need bar ends on the deadlifts if using the 7' bars.
This is my favorite workout.
Musings …