Complete 3 rounds:

20 uni lunge presses R 15/20
20 uni lunge presses L 15/20 
20 uni lunge curls R 15/20
20 uni lunge curls L 15/20
20 uni lunge curl & press R 15/20
20 uni lunge curl & press L 15/20
200 m run 

Post Rx or scale to comments.

Daily Extras- Reworking the “Burpee Challenge.” You feeling up to it again next year?

Rookies - 14 burpees
Experienced Peeps - 23 burpees
Vets - 31 burpees

Workout Notes:

  1. What??? Again??? HAHA! Look, I know how disappointed you must feel to see this one again. I am too. Look, the thing is a bunch of us got TOO damn sore last week. We need another run at it to learn its lessons. Let me know how this time was different - if it was!

  2. All lunges are WALKING lunges.

  3. If you must stay stationary (no space), do step back lunges, not forward lunges.

  4. It's A LOT of lunging. Not quite 400, but who's counting?

  5. A bit of backside soreness is one of the hallmarks of lunging done correctly.  If you take long steps (we suggest veterans do) you'll get more benefit from them.  

  6. Long steps deliver more tension (read: incr'd fitness) to your hamstrings and back side.  They also help to keep your knees squared.  Stepping your knee forward of the toes, decreasing the angle of the joint with every lunge may eventually (if done often enough) lead to knee trouble.  If you already have knee trouble, you know this.  Longer steps will help to ensure proper form and effectiveness with lunges.  

  7. Pressing OH (contracting pressers) during a lunge step (extending lunges) messes with your nervous system. Your body loves to do "like" movements. If the upper body is contracting, the nervous system wants the lower body to be doing contractions. If however, you are extending one part of the body while contracting another, it taxes the nervous system, in only the best ways.

  8. A lot of trainers and training systems skip deliberate stimulation of the nervous system. This is a mistake. You leave a lot of health and fitness on the table if you do this. Worse, you don't prepare your body for movements outside of the gym. This bodes the question, why wouldn't you do stuff INSIDE of the gym that doesn't prepare you for being OUTSIDE of it? 

Looking Back at Last Year - The Gina Saga

Honestly the funniest thing that happened last year. There was a lot going on off-screen that we never told anyone. So damn funny. Might have to get the crew together to film a reunion/expose. P.S. Tony and Shmoopy are EVIL!