4 rounds for time:

400 m run
20 KB swings 25/35
20 OH DB press (strict) 15/20
250 m row
20 Aussie pullups
20 ski squats med/heavy

Post time to comments.

Daily Extras - Add 5 reps to each.

Workout Notes: 

  1. Should be feeling the ski season now!

  2. Remember, more than 50 Aussies will be too many for some. This is especially true if you are new.

  3. You may use cables (with ropes) for the ski squats if you like. In fact, some of you vets should consider it. You'll be able to go heavier. That M/H band isn't enough for some of you anymore.

Using Our Fitness:

  • Linds & I out “using our fitness” this weekend.

  • Snow Basin got 49” of snow last week!