3 rounds OTC

15 uni stability cross body biceps curls R 15/20
15 uni stability cross body biceps curls L 15/20
45 sec rest

3 rounds OTC

15 uni stability OH press R 15/20
15 uni stability OH press R 15/20
45 sec rest

3 rounds OTC

20 weighted stability ball situps  15/20
45 sec rest

Post Rx and notes to self to comments.

Daily Extras - 3 Rounds of:

15 burpees
15 pushups (strict)
15 v-ups

Try not to rest at all. (hehe. Good luck with that.)

Workout Notes: 

  1. It's been a super long time since we did this one. Mostly this is because not everyone who follows this site has access to a swiss ball. I'm sensitive to this and don't want to send you scrambling for alts very often. Still, this is a great workout. It needs to come out from time to time. Please do your best to get a swiss ball for this workout. Buy one, borrow one, rent one go to a gym … you NEED to try this.

  2. If you can't beg a swiss ball off of someone, a bosu ball works too, or stand on one foot while doing this workout and it'll get you most of the way there. Watch the video below for more details about the progressions, tips, and alts. for “Baller.”

  3. Consider wearing gear that covers your legs completely today. Kneeling on those stability balls can leave your shins pretty raw.

  4. We really should be doing 20 reps on this. If you want to make it a little harder, do 5 more reps.

Musings ...

Why Stability Ball Training Rocks

This stability ball thing is a kick.  REALLY enjoy training this way.  I relied heavily on this type of training in the 90's.  Most trainers did.  Then, it fell out of favor.  Not for any particular reason.  It just lost popularity.  This was a shame, because there was a TON of functionality, fitness and health in it.  A TON.  Let me share some reasons why.

First (the most obvious) - NOTHING beats this type of training for core activation.  When you do this workout today, look around you (if you can) and notice the movement in the core of the person next to you.  If you are off-site you should check yourself out in the mirror.  All that movement (forward-back, side-side, twisting and bending) is improving core strength, function and stamina.  It is magic stuff.  It looks good ON!

Second - Each movement you do on the stability ball is an individual.  It is different and unlike any other movement you've ever performed.  Each rep is as different from the last rep as it will be the next.  This unique movement type calls for improved form (if not, you could fall) from the muscles and joints we are targeting.  It creates a more complete type of fitness and function.  It'll also make that weight you are moving feel MUCH heavier!

Third - It stimulates your nervous system on a level that is hard to duplicate.  Your nervous system is responsible for sending the messages to your muscle groups to create movement.  Heavy, taxing movements stress the nervous system immensely.  It is one of the reasons you could fail at an exercise.  Using a stability ball takes this up a notch because not only must you send a big surge of energy to the muscles creating movement for the exercise, when on the stability ball, every movement requires a counter surge of energy to stabilize your body on the ball.  Sometimes trainers forget to train the nervous system specifically.  Not GPP trainers.