2 rounds for time:
15 burpees
35 V-ups
15 burpees
35 pushups
15 burpees
35 Aussie pullups
15 burpees
35 squats
15 burpees
35 KB swings 25/35
Post time to comments.
Daily Extras -
2 min plate switches
800 m row
2 min plate switches
Workout Notes:
Masters: 25 and 12 reps
This will be short for a couple of you. If you are one of those who will go under 20 minutes, you'll need to do this at "Ludicrous Speed." Like, seriously. You need to go fast.
If you do it right (and you are ready for it - not one second before), you should be coughing all day after this.
Pushups are snaked
I know your legs are hammered today. Go low and slow at those squats. Skip them if you are too sore from Monday's lunges.
"Dude, isn't this the same extras as yesterday?" Yep. Most didn't do them. If you did and don't want to do them again, sub switches for rope jumps.
Musings …
First-Timer Bench Press
Never been under the real bar for your bench press? Here are some tips for those of you trying this out for the first time with the Bossame Challenge. Or, if you have benched before, maybe you can glean a few pointers you weren’t aware of before. Thanks Ali, for helping us out with this demo.