Complete 5 rounds. 

:30s chair dips
:30s rest
:30s Aussie pullups
:30s rest

Post total reps per exercise to comments.

Complete 5 rounds.

:30s V-ups
:30s rest
:30s squats
:30s rest

Post total reps per exercise to comments.

Daily Extras - 

  1. Use weight in your lap 25/45 for chair dips.

  2. Sub squat with jumping goblet squats 15/20.

  3. After the workout: complete 2 more rounds of each couplet.

Workout Notes: 

  1. If you are a vet (at least 4 months), shoot for:

    • 20 chair dips

    • 20 Aussies

    • 15 v-ups

    • 20 squats

  2. Some of you experience arm swelling/pain after more than 50 Aussies. If you know this is you, scale baby. If you don't know, assume it is you.

  3. Feet together and legs straight during those v-ups.

  4. I almost never count all my reps during this one. Seems like I just lose my mind during this type of workout and can't count. Still, it's important to me to have some sort of measurement system to know if I am making progress. Instead of counting every rep, I usually just make a goal (workout notes #1) and mark deviations from my goals. What are your methods for keeping track during this type of workout (and Tabata's etc.)?

Holiday Schedule:

  • GPP will be holding 1 single workout Thursday, November 28th! It will be our extra long “Pie Burn” workout! Come play and bring friends! Fun times will be had by all! Workout begins at 0800.

  • Friday, November 29th (Black Firday), our first class of the day will be 0800! If you want to come in earlier than the trainers, please write to me and I’ll give you the code to the door! Don’t want you to miss your workout. All other class times are as scheduled.