For time:
2 min plate switches
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats
400m run
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats
300 rope jumps
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats
400m row
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats
50 burpees
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats
Post time to comments
Daily Extras -
3 min plate switches
3 min side hops R (4" platform)
3 min side hops L
Workout Notes:
Can’t get the Signup Genius to work tonight. Come as you please for Open Gym.
Careful with those pullups. It's a lot.
If you can't do pullups, rig a cable pull-down with the weight at 6-8.
20 pushups is NO JOKE. Snake em if you've got to.
Watch yourself in the mirror during the squats. Get low. Keep your chest up.
400m run alt is 2 min of cardio.
Hope you had a great Father’s Day Weekend! Tell us what you did to use your fitness in comments!
Daily Dish …