Daily Workout …
Set an alarm to beep at you every :30s. When you hear a beep, do front squats as outlined below. Next beep do the pullups. Next beep do the OHs. Continue rotating through the exercises as described x 8 rounds. Every :30s you should be doing a different exercise. It is NOT all three exercises every :30s.
8 front squats 65/95
8 pullups
8 OH push press 65/95
After you've completed your 8 rounds of "Crazy Eights" rest 3 mins. Then complete:
500 rope jumps
2 laps elliptical 8/10
4 min spin bike
Post “DONE” to comments.
Workout Notes:
Masters: do sets of 5
Open Gym time slots: Please sign up HERE!
Experiment with the weights. Crazy Eights should leave you in a writhing pile of muddled sweat and tears by the end. 65/95 will not serve the saltiest of vets.
Remember, this is a 12 minute all out blow! Push yourself (vets only).
Post weights used to comments, you’ll be glad you did as a reference and so you know how you’re progressing.
Put an 800m run at the beginning of this workout and an 800m run after instead of the cardio posted.
Musings …
Here are my before and after pics from the facebook live vid (below - skip to 4:46)
This pic is embarrassing as hell. But also, I’m pretty proud of the results. I don’t typically get reactions from folks about my own personal results. But this time is different. The BEFORE pic was one Linds took of me just after the Corona Virus shut down. The AFTER pic was taken Last Sunday. See the Facebook Live vid below for a full explanation.
We are looking for a few folks to train over the next 6 weeks! If you are over 40 and would like to know more, join us via Zoom Wednesday night at 8pm. Click HERE to join the meeting at 8pm Wed eve.
These pics were taken about 3 months apart. Results have been amazing for both of us! See the vid below for explanation (go to 4:46).