For time:
3 laps elliptical
5 min stationary bike
50 squats
50 clean curls 45/65
50 v-twists 15/20 (R+L=1)
50 triceps cable pushdown 5/8
50 tic-tocks R 25/35
50 tic-tocks L 25/35
50 KB swings 35/55
5 min jump rope
Post time to comments.
Workout Notes:
How to know if you have selected the correct weight for your Clean Curls:
Step 1 - Find a weight too heavy to bring up under your own power with strict form.
Step 2 - It should be light enough that you can bring it back down under complete control.You may do these in any order using any partitioning method.
It's been a good week all! ROUGH WEEK! If you're not sore this week, you are not human! Then again, is ANYONE who does this?