Warm-up with three rounds of:
10 pushups (strict)
10 burpees
2 min plate switches
Complete 5 rounds of:
5 Smith bench presses AHAP
12 stab chest flys AHAP
25 BB skull crushers AHAP
Rest until fully recovered
Post weights used to comments.
Daily Extras - Complete “Quarter Spec’d”
For time:
10 power squat cleans 45/65
1 burpee
9 power squat cleans 45/65
2 burpees
8 power squat cleans 45/65
3 burpees
7 power squat cleans 45/65
4 burpees
6 power squat cleans 45/65
5 burpees ...
Continue subtracting 1 PSC and adding 1 burpee per round until you have completed 10 rounds each. The workout is complete after you have completed your 1 rep round of PSCs and your 10 rep round of burpees in sequence.
Post time to comments.
Workout Notes:
It’s a weird week and we are tired. The programming is going to feel unfamiliar. For an explanation, please see the GPP TV vid.
Rest after each round until you are fully recovered. This will take a minimum of 2 min.
Will need to be open to sharing equipment. Please look around and let folks work in with you. Invite the rookies. They aren’t likely to ask.
Today skull crusher should be done lying on the ground. If you are advanced, try them from a stab ball.
Just spit balling with the extras. Dare you to try it. Rookies ignore. Meh, maybe don’t.
If you have experience with a real bench press, go ahead an load it up. Get a spotter. Remember, we can use the squat rack as a bench press if there are enough benches available.
Musings …