3 rounds. Not timed. Try to string together all reps of each exercise (no break sets).
5 pullups
25 box jumps
5 pullups
25 OH DB strict press 15/20
5 pullups
25 back squats 45/65
5 pullups
25 OH triceps ext. 15/25
5 pullups
25 situps
Post # of break sets and where they occurred to comments.
Daily Extras - Complete 5 rounds.
:30s Superman Back extensions
:30s rest
:30s burpees
:30s rest
Workout Notes:
If you have ANY kips, I want them.
Know your limits with the pullups.
Might be a bit of a bottleneck on the pullup bars. It’s cool to wait. Tuesdays are cool like that.
The bar is light enough, you don’t need to rack it for back squats.
OG box jumps (40+)