4 rounds for time:

100 jack ropes (out+in=1)
25 pushups
25 KB jacks 25/35
25 standing mid cable row 5/8
25 press jacks 15/20 ea. 
25 V-ups
25 plank jacks (out+in=1)
250 m row

Post time to comments. 

Daily Extras - None today. 

Workout Notes: 

  1. Master’s Version: 3 Rounds, 50 Jack Ropes, 20 Reps, 200 m row

  2. I'd do this one in the order written.

  3. It's a lot of jacked ropes. Remember, you are not counting the hits, you are counting the out + in.

  4. Snake em if you got em.

  5. The KB will drift just a little further up during the Jack than what we usually call for. Do what comes natural, unless natural = super far from the norm.

  6. If you are inexperienced with the press jacks, use only 1 DB.

  7. Keep those abs tight on the press jacks. Well, actually, keep them tight on everything.

  8. Plank jacks will be a treat right after those v-ups.

  9. Try to do the row in under 1 min.


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