For time:

10 KB blusters 25/35
200 m run
9 KB blusters 25/35
200 m run
8 KB bluster 25/35
200 m run
7 KB blusters 25/35
200 m run
6 KB blusters 25/35
200 m run
5 KB blusters 25/35
200 m run
4 KB blusters 25/35
200 m run
3 KB blusters 25/35
200 m run
3 KB blusters 25/35
200 m run
3 KB blusters 25/35

Post time to comments.

Workout Notes: 

  1. Throw a KB on the ground.
  2. Burp it!
  3. Squat clean it!
  4. Thrust it!
  5. Careful now ... you wouldn't be the first person to shove the handle of the KB into your chin while thrusting it to OH.
  6. Thx to Schmoopy for another great painful creation!