5 rounds for time:

250m row
10 KB snatch R 25/35
10 KB snatch L 25/35
20 BB bent rows 65/95
20 pushups
20 walking lunges (R+L=1) 
200 m run

Post time to comments.   

Daily Extras - “The Burpee Challenge”

Complete 5 burpees

Commit to add 1, 2 or 3 burpees per day, every day, for the next 30 days!

Those who are new (Rookies) should only commit to adding 1 per day.
Those who are experienced should commit to adding 2 per day EVERY DAY!
Those who are salty vets should commit to adding 3 per day EVERY DAMN DAY!

Let me know which you have committed to in comments.

Workout Notes: 

  1. The GPP KB Snatch

  2. Fixing Janetha's row

  3. Alt for Rowing (each Ski Squat = 10m, bands are M/H)

  4. Most of you will need to snake the pushups. Remeber, we are going for time.