For time:
50 situps
50 crunch twists L
2 min cardio (bike, rope jump, elliptical 8/10, row, burpees)
50 crunch twists R
50 back extensions
2 min cardio (bike, rope jump, elliptical 8/10, row, burpees)
1 min 6" leg hold
50 KB juggles 25/35
2 min cardio (bike, rope jump, elliptical 8/10, row, burpees)
50 tick tocks L 25/35
50 tick tocks R 25/35
2 min cardio (bike, rope jump, elliptical 8/10, row, burpees)
1 min ab bridge hold
50 crunches
2 min cardio (bike, rope jump, elliptical 8/10, row, burpees)
Post time to comments.
Daily Extras - 2 rounds of COTM:
100 STAB crunches
100 STAB twist ext (R+L=2)
33 tick tocks R 25/35
33 tick tocks L 25/35
100 plate switches 4" plate
Workout Notes:
- Some have been complaining of a little back tightness from Thursday's workout. Let's strengthen our core today with this lovely little diddy.
- Crunch twisting to the R means only R. They are repeaters.
- Don't love the thought of juggles? Cool just let it fly a little bit without flipping it (demo'd on the R). Letting it go at the top of the arc and catching it on the way back down will still reward you with most of the benefit (sans coordination & accuracy).
- Why KB juggles? It really is a different thing. 50 swings vs 50 juggles feels VERY different. Plus, I like to stimulate as many aspects of fitness as possible. Juggling a KB increases your skill, coordination, balance and accuracy. This is in ADDITION to the normal benefits of a KB swing. We don't do these all the time so try to milk as much benefit from them as possible.
- Does the 6" leg hold hurt your low back a smidge? Try bending your knees, elevating your legs and pressing your low back into the floor harder.
- If you are looking for a little more out of those abs today, consider switching crunches for crunches on a ball. Don't have a ball? Cool, just roll up a towel and place it in the small of your back. Keep the small of your back pressed into the towel at all times as you do your crunches.
- If you do the extras, just keep in mind, it's a LOT of TTs. Most of us will get sore from 50.
We understand one of the more popular and long lasting gyms in town, whom we admire and respect, is closing permanently March 31st. This is unfortunate, and we never like to see this happen. We wish them luck and good fortune in their next endeavor.
For those members of Ignite Fitness, we'd like to offer the month of April to you for FREE with hopes that you would like to make us your new home.
If you know anybody at Ignite Fitness, please spread the word.
Musings ...