Warm-up -
200 stab crunches
30 OH BB push press 45/65
30 front squats 45/65
200 KB swings 25/35
Workout -
10-9-8-7-6 reps per set of:
thrusters AHAP
post weights used to comments.
Daily Extras - Only if you HATE yourself and are keeping in mind we did a LOT of lunges yesterday.
100 weighted walking lunges 15/30 ea. (1+1=2)
Workout Notes:
- You don't want to start with the KB swings. Wait to do them until after the crunches. In fact, it'll be best if you perform the warm-up exercises in the order written.
- Thrusters are notorious for making your back twinge if you get out of whack a bit (poor form). Be careful with the weight you select.
- Because thrusters can be back wreckers (when done poorly) I'm not going to chance a twingy back all week. I'll be shallowing up my squat just a bit. This has been helping me tons lately.
- Thrusters are also notorious soremakers. This is redundant, but BE CAREFUL.
- Remember, thrusters are about generating drive from your hips to drive the bar OH.
- Notice the weights for the walking lunges. Any time you see "ea" after the weight suggestions, you are expected to do a weight in EACH hand.
- If your hams and glutes are roughed up tomorrow, give us a "HELL YEAH!" in comments.