5 sets of:
15 OH triceps ext. (heavy)
10 walking lunges (R+L=1)
For time:
800m row
800m run
100 KB swings 25/35
100 box jumps
Go HARD at this and post time to comments.
Workout Notes:
- Yes, I know your legs are a little sore from yesterday. They may even be a little more than a "little." Haha. No prob. For some of you, those lunges will be a great way to loosen up your legs a bit. Others of you shouldn't really attempt. Use discretion please.
- Let's be clear, you DO NOT do the second part of the workout (rows, runs, swings, jumps) 5x!
- If your legs are smoked from the last couple of days, drop the lunges and just do the triceps. Maybe add some BB biceps curls 45/65 for the same amount of reps as the lunges above.
- Need some extras? Double up the run and row.
- I prefer OG box jumps. Ricocheting off the floor is a younger man's errand.
So Shmoop brought by some shirts with hopes that we all could try them on and make better choices with sizes. I have them at the front desk if you are curious, or just want to make sure.