5 sets of:

15 OH triceps ext. (heavy)
10 walking lunges (R+L=1)

For time:

800m row
800m run
100 KB swings 25/35
100 box jumps

Go HARD at this and post time to comments.

Workout Notes: 

  1. Yes, I know your legs are a little sore from yesterday. They may even be a little more than a "little." Haha. No prob. For some of you, those lunges will be a great way to loosen up your legs a bit. Others of you shouldn't really attempt. Use discretion please. 
  2. Let's be clear, you DO NOT do the second part of the workout (rows, runs, swings, jumps) 5x! 
  3. If your legs are smoked from the last couple of days, drop the lunges and just do the triceps. Maybe add some BB biceps curls 45/65 for the same amount of reps as the lunges above. 
  4. Need some extras? Double up the run and row.
  5. I prefer OG box jumps. Ricocheting off the floor is a younger man's errand. 

So Shmoop brought by some shirts with hopes that we all could try them on and make better choices with sizes. I have them at the front desk if you are curious, or just want to make sure.