4 rounds for time:
400 m run
20 KB swings 25/35
20 OH DB press (strict) 15/20
250 m row
20 Aussie pullups
20 ski squats med/heavy
Post time to comments.
Daily Extras - Add 5 reps to each.
Workout Notes:
You may use cables (with ropes) for the ski squats if you like. Please let us know which number on the weight stack corresponds with M/H bands. We have yet to make that determination since the cables are so new.
A pretty constant alt. for a 400m run is any full body movement lasting approximately 2 min (today only). Burpees, high knee band sprints, box jumps, plate switches and YES even the elliptical at your local gym will all suffice.
Running is always best. There is just something natural and, sort of magic about running that helps your body to become fit. However, where you can't - you just can't. Where this is the case, (and ONLY temporarily) alt. with a 2 min sub. Please post sub to comments.
Running is (Probably) Human - Musings by Neil
Musings … Using Our Fitness
Linds and I went way up to the NW corner of Box Elder County last weekend to chop down our own Christmas Tree. After a ton of searching, we finally got Two of them! For some reason I had it in my mind the BLM had “Christmas tree farms” and all you had to do was, buy a permit, drive to a designated area and chop away!
That was a stupid thought. It was NOTHING like that.
First of all, the road we went on (vid to come) was nothing short of TREACHEROUS. To this second, I still can’t believe we got that big ol’ Sub through the canyon and trails the map pointed us to. The snow was over a foot deep on most of it. Drifts were 2 1/2 feet deep. In some parts we had to floor that big ol’ girl and snowplow our way through. Snow went right over the top! Half the time we couldn’t even find the road we were supposed to be on.
Second of all, the “designated area” was a damn cedar and juniper forest. Took us quite a while to even locate pines within it. Seriously, we drove nearly 20 mins before we saw our first one. It was across a creek bed (1’ of snow) and way up a steep hillside. The 2 we found were several hundred yards apart and up a steep climb.
We knew it was going to be a super long and cold slog, so we went up Saturday night and stayed in the back of the Sub overnight. We got to the area in the dark, found a place within the cedars and junipers to set up a campsite and settled in to a Dutch oven dinner we’d make over a hot fire. I was super excited for that part. So excited, I forgot to pack the firewood! Haha! No prob. We made due!
Sleeping in the Sub was fun. Set up a bunch of ground pads in the back and spread out the sleeping bags and got cozy while staying comfy & warm all night. Fun part: woke up in the morning with the INSIDE of the windows frozen solid. Cool part: guarantee we were the only humans for 20 miles (probably more) in any direction!
Can’t believe what a fun time that was! I remember doing this with my dad when I was a kid and have always had it in the back of my mind that I wanted to do it when I grew up. Thing is, that was like 35 yrs ago, so Linds and I trooped off to the great white north to try it out ourselves before dragging our whole clan (we have SEVEN between us) up there next year. Can’t wait. The vid of our “Using Our Fitness” adventure is coming soon.
Tree #2! We’ve never had a tree at the gym for Christmas before and we have exactly NO decorations for it. If you had and ugly, random, spare ornement laying around that you were just going to throw away anyway, we’d welcome it here for the holidays! :)