2 rounds for time.

35 KB swings 25/35
35 V-ups
35 KB swings 25/35
35 pushups
35 KB swings 25/35
35 Aussie pullups
35 KB swings 25/35
35 squats 
35 KB swings 25/35
35 box jumps

Post time to comments.

Daily Extras -

900 backwards rope jumps

Workout Notes: 

  1. It's been a while since we did a good KB workout.

  2. This will be short for a couple of you. You'll need to do this at "Ludicrous Speed." Like, seriously.

  3. If you do it right (and you are ready for it - not one second before), you should be coughing all day after this. 

  4. OG box jumps (for those of us over 40)

  5. Why backwards rope jumps?

  6. How to Buy a Good Kettlebell 

  7. Why Russian Style KB Swings?

Musings …

I have always thought of myself as a Boy Scout (Eagle with 2 palms!). Last year when Lou and I were doing all that cold tempering (shirts off hikes in the snow), he tried to light a fire to get warm. Said it was tough as hell! I laughed at him. Then started to doubt. Waited for a snowy day and tried it myself (fully clothed!). Here’s how that went.

Thanks to Linds for some great editing! This is new for us! Excited for it.