Warm-up - 

2 min rope jump
2 min elliptical 8/10 >65 RPM
2 min spin bike 7 out of 10 intensity
2 min press jacks 10/15 ea.

Workout: 5 rounds (no rest)

20 ski squats M/H
10 BB curl cleans AHAP
20 lat pull downs 5/9
10 unilateral DB row R AHAP
200 m row
10 unilateral DB row L AHAP
200 m row
10 bar grippers (forward) AHAP (R + L = 1)

Post weights used per round.

Workout Notes: 

  1. I loved this last week. Last time it came up was over a year ago. I’m going to pound your legs tomorrow. They’ll need some rest, so this fits.  

  2. So this is a blend of 2 unnamed workouts from 2011. I was searching through the archives last night and found some cool workouts we haven't done in a long time. 

  3. I know it says AHAP on the pull-downs. It'd be cool to just give you a weight here, but you are going to struggle getting the same weight on the 5th round that you got on the 1st. I want to leave room for some minor adjustments. 

  4. Same goes for the uni bent row. 

  5. If I were you, I'd probably use a heavy KB for the bent rows. Those grippers are going to fry your hands. DBs are going to be harder to handle since they naturally want to "walk" out of your hands. 

  6. Remember, to get the most out of those curl cleans (when you are ready), you'll need to find a weight that is too heavy to curl with strict form on the up. Then fight it on the down. It shouldn't be so heavy that it gets away from you on the down. 

  7. Rock that row! Need to make it a sprint to get your HR up. 

  8. Don't jump around today's workout. It's written with special attention paid to HR.

GPP HQ Holiday Schedule

  • Doing “Jump” tomorrow on Turkey Day!

  • First class is 0630 Black Friday. Sleep in!

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