Complete 5 rounds. 

:30s chair dips
:30s rest
:30s Aussie pullups
:30s rest

Post total reps per exercise to comments.

Complete 5 rounds.

:30s V-ups
:30s rest
:30s squats
:30s rest

Post total reps per exercise to comments.

Daily Extras - 

  1. Use weight in your lap 25/45 for chair dips.

  2. Sub squat with jumping goblet squats 15/20. 

  3. After the workout: complete 2 more rounds of each couplet. 

Workout Notes: 

  1. If you are a vet (at least 4 months), shoot for:

    • 20 chair dips

    • 20 Aussies

    • 15 v-ups

    • 20 squats 

  2. Some of you experience arm swelling/pain after more than 50 Aussies. If you know this is you, scale baby. If you don't know, assume it is you. 

  3. Feet together and legs straight during those v-ups.

  4. I almost never count all my reps during this one. Seems like I just lose my mind during this type of workout and can't count. Still, it's important to me to have some sort of measurement system to know if I am making progress. Instead of counting every rep, I usually just make a goal (workout notes #1) and mark deviations from my goals. What are your methods for keeping track during this type of workout (and Tabata's etc.)?

Holiday Hours GPP HQ

  • We’ll be running 1 single class this year on Thanksgiving morning. The Hell-beatin starts at 8am.

  • Sleep in on Black Friday. First class starts at 06:30.

Musings …

Using My Fitness

My purpose behind doing this whole fitness thing as a career has always been to help folks prepare in the gym to do something special in life. By “life” I mean to say, OUTSIDE of the gym. Not that I would have much influence outside of my little pain factory, but I’ve always hoped you’d carry the fitness you gained inside the hallowed walls of GPP out to the world and do cool stuff. Cool things where you weren’t limited by physical capacity. I’ve always taken great pride in the pics you’ve sent me every weekend of you and your loved ones out living life to the fullest!

Somewhere along the way I had a realization. I, personally, have never added much to the photographic collective. That’s because, I really haven’t done too much. For the last 10 years I’ve been mainly taking weekends off resting from a tiresome week in my basement watching vids and playing video games. What a waste.

This year I decided (mostly because Lindsay is a GOER) to put a stop to this stupidness by making it a point to get outside and DO things. Interesting things. Weird things. And most of all, ACTIVE things. I have to tell you, this has added SO DAMN MUCH more quality to my life.

“Using My Fitness” more has been a real revelation to me. The biggest revelation has been how much more active my mind has been since I started using my body more. I’ve found that the hardest thing about using my body isn’t necessarily the physical aspect of hiking, camping, hunting, etc., it’s been figuring out how to do all of this stuff. Sometimes it takes some insider info or a big leap of faith to go places. For example, when we went geode hunting (we found tons!) we had no clue if there were campgrounds out there. Couldn’t find any info about campgrounds on any websites. So we packed up the fam and ran them out into the middle of the desert in central Utah blind as a bat! Didn’t know if there was water, facilities or campsites out there. And we made it work!

Since Linds and I started GOING on the weekends, we’ve noticed we have A LOT more fun together and with the fam. We have created a lot more memories which gives us and our family A LOT more stories! Story time at the Anderson’s is a great time! Because of this, we look WAY more forward to learning and doing new things!

I’m excited to share these things with you.

If you ever want to follow along, the best place to find what we did and where we went last weekend is on our INSTAGRAM feed (below). Right now, our passion is finding cool stuff to do that ANYONE could do requiring as little $ as possible. If you are interested in going on one of our trips, we are more than happy to help you! Just leave comments in our feed!

Below is our trip to the very tip of North West Utah last weekend. So cool, we hunted pheasants on public shooting grounds and waterfowl management just West of Corrine, Utah. Got skunked there. Then we drove West out past the Golden Spike toward Kelton on the old Transcontinental Railroad beds. We Stopped at Locomotive Springs to hunt grouse and rabbits. Also got skunked. Then headed West toward Nevada along the rail beds to Kelton where we checked out the old ghost town and it’s graveyard that dates back to the 1870s. Kept heading west through Park Valley, Rosette, Dove Creek and as we came up over a pass near Lynn, Utah, where we stopped to hunt grouse (skunked), we came across a field with nearly 100 mule deer in it! Wouldn’t have been many folks who’ve seen that out there! It was a cool day. From there, we went home through Yost and Naf. Naf has a cool old Cafe next to the, even older, saloon/dance hall. We drove over 300 miles around the North end of the GSL on gravel roads and only saw 5-6 cars all day! Cool to be somewhere that remote. We hunted for pheasants, grouse, cottontail and chukar but got skunked! Meh, I guess that’s why they call it “hunting” not harvesting!

Here is that trip!