Set an alarm to beep at you every :30s. When you hear a beep, do front squats as outlined below. Next beep do the pullups. Next beep do the OHs. Continue rotating through the exercises as described x 8 rounds. Every :30s you should be doing a different exercise. It is NOT all three exercises every :30s.
8 front squats 65/95
8 pullups
8 OH push press 65/95
After you've completed your 8 rounds of "Crazy Eights" rest 3 mins. Then complete:
500 rope jumps
2 laps elliptical 8/10
4 min spin bike
Post “DONE” to comments.
Workout Notes:
Had a lot of issues with it when we did this 2x ago. Patched them up though. See the Vid on our Insta feed for explanation.
Experiment with the weights. Crazy Eights should leave you in a writhing pile of muddled sweat and tears by the end. 65/95 will not serve the saltiest of vets.
Remember, this is a 12 minute all out blow! Push yourself (vets only).
Post weights used to comments.
If it's not raining where you are, put an 800m run at the beginning of this workout and an 800m run after instead of the cardio posted.
“Using Our Fitness” this weekend …
We heard you could get all the way to SLC’s capitol from NSL, so we went exploring Sunday morning. FOUND IT! Cool hike. Only about 2 hours out and back. Not sure on the elevation gain/loss. Would love to show it to you. What did you get up to this weekend? Please share on FB or Insta.