AMRAP in 20 min of:
5 deadlifts 95/135
5 power cleans 45/95
5 push press 45/95
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Daily Extras - 1/2 Hells Bells
For time:
100 KB swings 25/35
interrupt KB swings every minute, on the minute to complete 8 burpees.
-Starting with "go," then every minute after that you must complete burpees.
-Continue completing burpees on the minute and performing kettlebell swings until you have accumulated 100 KB swings.
Ever try this one - KONG STYLE?
You need to have the fundamentals of this workout down first. Don't even try it if you haven't been with us for 6 months, or so. If you've never done this workout before, don't try it either. Surely don't try it if you still have movement anomalies. In other words, if you've been told by a trainer you have trouble keeping a strict inward curve to your lumbar spine and/or have poor flexibility in your shoulders - DON'T. If you don't completely understand all of the moves here - DON'T
However, if you are looking for a unique challenge from this workout. And if you are feeling particularly up to it. Give this a look and/or try. Today it fits perfectly with our weekly programming. It'll knock your nose into the dirt (dirtknocker)!
AMRAP in 20 min of:
5 deadlifts 135/225
5 power cleans 95/135
5 push press 95/135
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Hello, World!
Workout Notes:
- New to this workout? The insta feed to the R will help you picture how to do it.
- Beginners; this workout is best done with KBs and DBs.
- If you have not mastered the fundamentals of bar work, use KBs and DBs.
- 20 min is plenty of time to get a terrific workout.
- Come a little early and determine the weights you will use for the entire 20 min. This workout takes a bit to set up.
- If you take weight off the bar during the workout make sure your line gives consensus.
- If you take weight off the bar during the workout you must put weights away before continuing workout.
- Putting weights in the walking lanes is a tripping hazard.
- Don't need bar ends on the deadlifts if using the 7' bars.
- This is my favorite workout.
Andrew demos proper form on DLs!