100 KB swings 25/35
300 rope jumps
15 chinups (strict)
3-3-3-2-1 reps for ea hand of:
Turkish get-ups (& downs) AHAP
Post highest weight per set, per hand to comments.
Daily Extras -
2 min plate switches
50 pushups (strict)
2 min plate switches
50 pushups (strict)
Extra Daily Extras -
Add a min to the plate switches.
Do bar pushups (KB pushups if no bar)
Workout Notes:
- Wear long pants today. Your knees will thank you for this. You'd think that using one of the mats at the gym would be helpful. It's not. It makes you unstable. You'll miss reps. Missing reps causes you to miss out on benefits. Plus we hollar at you for dropping implements on the mats. Is NO BUENO!
- You might find it's best to do TGUs without shoes.
- You may do all reps to the R then start with the L if you like. You may also alternate L & R.
- Don't be afraid of using a bar. Remember, the point here is to increase the strength and stability of your core. You might not be able to handle the same weight with a bar, but you'll likely add more strength to your core.
- Might consider using a KB for the weight also. I know people who will swear Turkish Get Ups with a KB cured their shoulder issues.
- chinup alt
- progression to chinups
- assisted chin
Musings ...
Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail
Every Monday Linds & I go on a planning hike. IOW having a meeting to plan our week while hiking. I LOVE this. Mainly because it's a two-fer! I have a penchant that borders on obsession for economizing stuff, so I love doing shit like this. These meetings are pretty informal (like me) but they are incredibly deliberate. On these hikes we organize our week, coordinate schedules, make goals and brainstorm ways of being more effective at continuing to move our lives forward. We also incorporate some very deliberate spirituality that has been sorely lacking from my life. It's mind-bendingly cool. We can talk about this another time. :)
Several months back it occurred to me that, for years, I have been preaching "if one fails to plan they are planning to fail." I tell folks that the only effective way to do this is "deliberately" but then I hardly ever take my own advice.
I'm tired of two things in my life:
- Being a hypocrite
- Failure
This week's discussion, after the planning and spiritual stuff, was about "DOING."
I have important shit that needs doing which sits around day-after-FRICKIN-day UN-DONE. This week I will completely finish several of those projects that have been stacking up. To remind me of my commitment, I will, once again, save the picture Linds made below to my phone and set it as my wallpaper. If you have a similar goal, I invite you to do the same. You'd never believe how helpful it is. I must look at my phone 1 million times per day. Those sayings really have a way of syncing with my psyche.
Click the pic to enlarge the image you'd like to set as your background. She made 2 colors as per request.