Complete couplets in any order. Complete all rounds of couplet before moving to the next. Stay busy!

Four rounds:

15 BB biceps curls 45/65
:45 sec elliptical sprint 8/10  

Four rounds: 

15 front squats 45/65
:45 sec standing spinbike sprint

Four rounds: 

15 pushups
45 sec plate switches (4")

Four rounds:

15 v-ups
25 box jumps

Daily Extras - None today. We've done some pretty long ones this week. If you doddle this will be no different! 

This GPP thing works ya'll! This is one of the smaller 0930 GPP classes. It is regularly 15-25 now. Not bad in just a few weeks of operation. 

Am off to Boston today, tomorrow and most of Thursday to help bring it to some folks back east! Wish me luck! Will miss you guys.