1 time through. Not timed.
35 pushups
300 rope jumps
35 pullups
1 lap elliptical 8/10 (speed above 65)
35 KB high Sumos 35/53
35 box jumps
35 OH DB press (strict) 15/20
500m row
35 OH triceps ext 15/25
100 KB swings
Post Rx to comments.
Daily Extras - Do the workout above "For Time."
And also,
AMRAP in 10 min
20 DB OH press (strict) 15/20 ea.
20 DB bent row 15/20 ea.
20 DB squats 15/20 ea.
20 high weighted situps 15/20
Post rounds completed to comments.
Workout Notes:
- Workouts like this will help to move some blood around. That'll make you feel a bit better. Probably even help you recover a little faster.
- You're not on the clock today. Just get your HR up and keep it there. To do this effectively, you'll have to be looking ahead. Know where you are going next and make quick transitions from one exercise to the next.
- Can I partition? NO - It's like 35 reps! Try to get them all in one go!
- Maybe just watch out for those pullups. It's probably a good idea to break them into small chunks by doing sets of 3-5. If that seems like too many, alternate between jumping pullups and kips.
Extras Notes:
- Post time to comments.
- You are on the clock, but use stellar form.
- Use two DBs to weight the squats. Hold them anywhere. I like to hold them on my shoulders. Some like to hold them down to their sides.
- Use only one DB for the HWS.