5 rounds - with purpose
20 DB halos 15/20 (R+L=1)
20 floor Jacks
20 side Jacks R
20 side Jacks L
20 Superman Jacks
20 swipers 15/20 (R+L=1)
Post "Rx" or portion completed to comments.
Hot Debate Here: Please Chime In
There has been a lot of talk lately about how fun it "used to be" when we would all start classes together like in days of old.
For those of you who haven't experienced it, back in the old days when GPP first started, we all used to start classes/workouts together as a unit. The thinking was that there is a lot of health to be gained in working out as a unified community. Many of us used to pace our own workouts based on each other's efforts and times. Many of us increased our own fitness while trying to "beat" certain folk's times, weights and reps. It was very cool. I loved it too. And we were very rigid about our commitment to this community standard. In fact, I would stop people who were a mere 5 min late at the door on a daily basis telling them they were "late" for this workout and they'd have to come to the next one. Some folks reveled in this. Others HATED us for it.
Well, something cool has happened. Our little GPP project has matured a great deal. I would argue that GPP vets (some have been around for more than 8 years) know more about and are better at what we do on a daily basis than 99% of the certified trainers in this valley could ever hope to be. In fact, I have been standing on the floor not 5' from a rookie who was picking her way through a workout and instead of turning to me to ask questions about a movement, this girl (it's happened multiple times) turned to a vet, a complete stranger no less, and asked for advice! Most trainers would have hurt feelings, but I think it's super cool! What this means is that somewhere a long the way one (many, actually) of my veteran clients have become so good at GPP that they have reached "Sherpa" status.
Here's what I know about that, if anyone ever hopes to become healthy and fit, they'll need to put in enough time and effort to be able to help others. Not that they have to, it's just that they will have worked hard enough and studied long enough to have learned a few things worth passing on.
Not going to lie, having a metric sh** ton of vets storming our hallowed rubber flooring has caused me to become a little lazy with start times. My vets are so purposeful, so educated, so strongly opinionated on how they like to do "their" workout that, over the years, I've given them the rains. I just can't imagine kicking someone out who knows how to do a workout better than most trainers in the valley.
Thing is, many miss the good old days of unified class times and have asked for them back. I wonder, do you? Why? Why not? Post to comments, OR write comments to me privately. neil@gppfitness.com
Our "Ab Days" are special.
They are also unique to our industry. Not many facilities are doing them anymore. They mistakenly believe that your core will simply "take care of itself" if you are training right anyway.
"Training right?"
How is it that someone could be training right without paying specific attention to the core? The core is the catalyst of every movement you do. It is the connector between any movement involving the upper and lower body (yep, that is a LOT of movements). It is critical to EVERY physical activity (running, jumping, skiing, surfing, hiking, climbing, etc. & etc.) you participate in. A strong core is the ONE thing ALL experts agree will help to prevent spinal injuries. Yet, fitness "experts" of the world are content to rely on the core to "take care of itself???"
Not GPP. We think something so critically important to our over-all healthy success should be paid specific attention to. It is one of the reasons we see so very much broad scale improvement and success with our programming. It is also why GPP participants experience so little back injury compared to other programs.
Happy Core Day everyone!