2 rounds for time.

15 burpees
35 V-ups
15 burpees
35 pushups
15 burpees
35 Aussie pullups
15 burpees
35 squats
15 burpees
35 KB swings 25/35

Post time to comments.

Daily Extras - 

2 min plate switches
800 m row
2 min plate switches

Workout Notes: 

  • The Burpee: King of All Exercises 
  • This will be short for a couple of you. If you are one of those who will go under 20 minutes, you'll need to do this at "Ludicrous Speed." Like, seriously. You need to go fast.  
  • If you do it right (and you are ready for it - not one second before), you should be coughing all day after this. 
  • Pushups are snaked
  • I know your legs are hammered today. Go low and slow at those squats. Skip them if you are too sore from Monday's lunges. 
  • "Dude, isn't this the same extras as yesterday?" Yep. Most didn't do them. If you did and don't want to do them again, sub switches for rope jumps.

Musings ...

When Will I Plateau? 

I dunno. Seems like never. We've all been doing this GPP thing for over 8 years now and PRs continue to fall! Like ALL the time. Check out Ash and Azure below. Impressive efforts ladies! Also, I'm taking all of the credit. :)

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