Complete as many exercises as possible (& their corresponding weights and reps) in the given time allotted for each round. Begin at the top of the list of exercises at the start of each round.
round ONE - 3 minutes
rest 60 sec.
round TWO - 4 minutes
rest 90 sec.
round THREE - 5 minutes
rest 120 sec.
round FOUR - complete all
Exercises are:
200 m run
20 DB biceps curls 15/20 ea.
20 OH db presses 15/20 ea.
20 squats
20 situps
20 burpees
20 lunge steps (1+1=2)
20 kb swings 25/35
20 KB high sumo 35/54
20 triceps narrow pushups
Post how far you got through each round to comments.
Daily Extras - Skip rope during the allotted rest periods. Post number of skips accomplished per "rest period" to comments.
Workout Notes:
- Last time we did this one was 2014.
- I rearranged it to suit our needs for this week. PROGRAMMING!
- Can't dog this workout and expect to get much out if it today.
So cool (and weird) to have long time HQ Peep Ryan B. at the SLTH! Please drop in if you are in the area. Would love to storm with you!