Warm-up -  2 rounds

250m row (half speed)
50 KB high Sumos 35/54
50 KB swings 25/35
250m row (full sprint)

Workout - 5 sets of each:

5 chinups
10 BB bent rows AHAP

Post time of full sprint row, strings of consecutive reps for chinups, high Sumos & KB swings and weight of bent rows to comments. 

Daily Extras - Repeat the warm-up AFTER the workout.

Workout Notes:

  1. Our adrenals need a rest this week. Go heavy for the chins and bent rows, but take a TON of rest in between each set.

  2. 250m row half speed? - Focus on getting the most out of your row. Use THIS video for reference. Remember, legs - hips - then arms. Longer strokes are faster, generally. You may consider slowing your stroke to get the most out of each pull.

  3. Also, 5 reps of chinups might not be enough to tax your system sufficiently today. If this is you, add weight to the pullup as opposed to incr'g reps.
    Complete the warm-up top to bottom as written.

  4. We don't advise super-setting the chinups with the bent rows since both are using agonist muscle groups.

  5. We think the term "agonist" is well named.