8 rounds on the clock: 

55 sec running sprint on bike
5 sec transition
55 sec v-ups
5 sec transition
55 sec KB swing 25/35
5 sec transition
55 sec fr. weighted plate switch 10/15
5 sec transition
55 sec row
30 sec transition

Post thoughts on getting more out of this workout to comments.

Workout Notes: 

  1. It's going to a long one. Without rests this is scheduled to go 40 mins. I'm anticipating just turning the clock on and letting it run all day. Come whenever you can!

  2. How are you feeling this week? I've done my best to spread the soreness around. There shouldn't be many parts left on you that aren't sore. This flies in the face of what I said at the beginning of the week when I said I wouldn't do any programming. I'm just not able to NOT.

  3. Put the saddle all the way down. Do your pedaling out of the saddle. Sprint!

  4. Experiment with a heavier KB swing. It might take a step up (35/54) to really tax you.

  5. You should be breathing heavy throughout this entire workout.

  6. Limit transition times. Those 5 secs come at you fast. Be looking ahead to the next station.

  7. Don't bother strapping yourself into the row. Takes too long.

  8. Where are the Daily Extras? I don't post them if the workout goes for more than 40 min.

  9. No bikes/rowers? Cool. Any 1 min cardio move aimed at incr HR is fine (burpees, running, rope jumps, plate switches, etc.).

Musings …

The CORE of it

A strong core is essential to your health and development.   It is primarily responsible for the astounding results we see in strength gains and overall fitness at GPP.  We have observed that GPP training prevents injury and advances healing for those with a weak core.  It also looks good on!  

While the rest of the world has moved passed specifically training the core, GPP still embraces focused emphasis on core training for its unique effect on our health, fitness and appearance. The popular present day mantra of the health and fitness industry is that one need only to move in effective ways and the core will take care of and strengthen itself.  This is a risky approach.  We have learned that strength gains in the legs and arms will quickly outstrip one's core strength.  This is especially true for those who don't directly train their core.  This compromises your ability to stabilize the core during certain fundamental movement (squats, dead lifts, cleans, jerks, high Sums, KBs, etc.) making those fundamental movements more dangerous to perform and putting you at higher risk of injury. 

We feel a more straight forward (direct) approach of abdominal/core training stimulates more strength and ultimately yeilds higher benefit with less risk of injury.  Oh, and did I mention - It looks good ON?!   

My Thoughts on HELLth Week 2020

  1. Things have changed a lot around here. In 2010, we all limped for 8 days after HELLth week. This week we only limped for 5. :)

  2. We are more fit than ever.

  3. Those who began this week with only 1 month GPP experience will limp for 10 days this year.

  4. We are older and wiser. Except those who aren’t. I probably only qualify for 1/2 of that equation.

  5. Some of the super salty vets (7+yrs old) all said they did better this year than years past.

  6. I did better this year managing the workouts and soreness.

  7. HELLth week is still the best way to start a year.

  8. I have learned, once again, that I am much more capable than I once believed.

  9. We (those who did all 6 workouts) have added health, strength and wisdom to ALL the years we have left on this planet.

  10. We will carry this week with us always.

  11. This kind of challenge, when met head-on, is invaluable to our development and the development of those we are responsible for.

  12. Community is still king.

  13. I am grateful for my peeps.

  14. Happy HELLth week!

  15. What were your thoughts? Please post to comments.