Complete 5 rounds of couplet before moving to the next.
10 goblet squats - OTC 15/20
:45 sec step back lunges
:30 sec rest
10 DB bent row - OTC 15/20 ea.
:45 sec DB biceps curls (strict) 15/20 ea.
:30 sec rest
10 pushups (strict) - OTC
:45 sec OH DB triceps ext 15/20 (from knees)
:30 sec rest
10 v-ups - OTC
:45 sec tap down crunches
:30 sec rest
Post "done" to comments.
Daily Extras - Use bigger weights. Post weights used to comments.
Workout Notes:
- This one is going to sting a little.
- Try to stay moving for the entire :45 sec.
- Works best (read: hurts more) if you are exact with your :30 sec rest. 40 sec makes this an entirely different (read: easier) workout.
- I LOLd when I wrote the daily extras. You'll see why.
- Breezing the step back lunges couplet? Use weights.
- Brandy sees it coming. Do you? Post thoughts to comments.
I think it's pretentious as hell to post a quote by someone you've never heard of.
I'll own that (even though, since discovering this I've read hundreds of her quotes. You should too.)
Still, after I read it, I couldn't breath for a sec. So, I'm passing it on.