Complete 4 rounds:
15 power cleans 65/95
100 tap down crunches
15 power squat cleans 65/95
100 tap down crunches
Post "done" to comments.
Daily Extras - Complete 3 rounds of:
200 rope jumps
400m row
25 burpees
Workout Notes:
- Srsly. Post DONE to comments. Do it.
- Aiming to get your HR in the sky today. Work hard (if ready).
- Keep in mind that the weights above are only suggestions. Many of you have obtained near mastery of the cleaning movement. 65/95 will not tax you enough to get max benefits from this workout. You'll need to go up in weight. Come a little early and experiment with it. The intention is to spike your HR enough during the cleans that you'll carry it (elevated HR) all the way through the crunches. Whatever weight you choose, use the same weight for both types of cleans.
- Hurry through the crunches. Really push yourself. Take fewer breaks than you think you need. While you are doing them you should be thinking to yourself, "I gotta get back to those cleans AFAP."
Let's Go MTN Biking!
I know it's late notice and such, but I'm sick of NOT biking with you. It occurs to me that there are a bunch of us here at GPP (HQ & online) who love to get outside and do stuff on our bikes. It also occurs to me that if this is true it means we have more than ONE thing in common. Perhaps we'll get along. Let's test that theory.
A couple of us are meeting at GPP HQ tonight (Tues 7/19) at 8pm to gather for a MTN bike ride. I'd like you to come. Plan on doing a 1/2 hour out and 1/2 hour back on firebreak road just above Bountiful. It's not too rough, or technical, but it does have a couple tricky spots. Prob not the best ride for a stone cold novice, but if you can handle moderate intensity with several bouts of high intensity for an hour AND you instinctively know your rear brake from the front, you'll do fine.
We'll leave from the trail-head at the top of 9th North in BTFL. Meet in the parking lot at HQ. We'll caravan from there. If you can make it, make a note to comments so we don't leave you behind!
Kipping 9 y/o = inspiration!