For time:

1 mile run
50 pullups
75 pushups
150 squats

Post time to comments.

Daily Extras - 

  • On the mile (during the workout) shoot to break the GPP "Wall of Gain" Mile Record. You must wear tracking device. 
  • 1 mile cool down run then, attempt to set/break the wall sit or plank hold record. Pick one or go for BOTH! 

Workout Notes from Candice:

  1. Post time to comments. 
  2. The mile MUST be run (entirely) at the beginning.  
  3. You may partition pullups, pushups & squats.
  4. Fitzoner is one of our benchmark workouts.  It is reasonable to consider that you would measure a portion of your health and fitness against your progress within this workout.  The standing (confirmed, that we know of) record is: Males - 11:47; Females -11:58.Our "SuperFits" can do this workout in under 20 min
  5. If you hands are still recovering fromTuesday, try modifying by either jumping them or use the lat pull machine (HQ) or do band pulls...  
  6. Anyone nauseous yet?