35 min AMRAP.

400m run
25 ski squats M/H
25 DB alt. conditioning curls 15/20 ea. 
25 tap down crunches
2 min plate switches
25 triceps cable press downs 4/8

Post rounds completed to comments. 

Daily Extras - Add 10 min. 

Workout Notes: 

  • Fair warning: it's a LOT of cardio. 4-ish miles for some of you.
  • If you need more (cardio) try stacking 2 plates or try this.
  • Minimizing shoulder involvement here to make room for Th & F. 
  •  No cables? OH DB triceps ext. for you.
  • I'm a little iffy on the weight suggested for triceps press downs. Experiment with the weights. Let me know what you settled on (in comments). Weight should be just barely manageable on your first set of 25. The next set may not be. That's fine. 
  • Tap down elbows and toes on EVERY crunch. 
  • Pelvis and shoulder blades and pelvis come off with EVERY crunch. 
  • Thanks to Tara Jones for this original. 

Transformation Tuesday with a Story

Seven-ish years ago, Kitty (she used to be called Karen Reynolds) stormed into my gym and in our very first interaction gave me the distinct impression ...

That she'd quit. 

In her defense, I didn't really know her. She was really quiet back then (WHAT?!) and whatever workout it was we were doing that day, it stomped her into the ground. Her reserved nature (I know, I know) made her hard to read. Even more, I think she was a bit embarrassed. 

Everyone is a bit embarrassed the first time they come down to GPP. It's part of the hardening process. It's NECESSARY. But, it was something more with Kitty. I sensed frustration, maybe even deflation. Where I missed it was I mistook her frustration for defeat.    

Classic mistake!

If you know Kitty you'll KNOW she has an abominable will. I'm boneheaded so It took me about 3 days to discover this. On the third day, I remember watching her limp into the gym just sore as hell (hehe, not much scaling back then) harden up and, despite her misery, just charge a workout at full speed! 

It was a nooner, her third in a row, and back then the noon was occupied by only the saltiest of vets. EVERY SINGLE PERSON in that class finished their workout, had a good chat, stretched and went home BEFORE she even finished. As the 2nd to the last person got in her car to leave Kitty ran past me looking as if she was about to die. I was scared and tried to talk her out of her last round.

She wouldn't have it. Just blocked me out, put her head down and soldiered on. 

I never recommend this. I will usually stop folks from trying. It's just not worth the pain or potential injury, but somehow I knew she'd be alright (like, weeks later). Plus, short of tackling her, I knew I'd never get her to stop.    

If you've been around GPP for a few months, chances are you've seen Kitty storm a workout or have seen her pop up on the website. She's an impressive human. So impressive you might be tempted to think, "Someone like that probably doesn't even know what it's like be out of shape." 

Those who'd say this are, what I like to call - WRONG. 

Thanks for the inspiration Kitty! And even though it took me YEARS to get them from you, thanks for the pics! 
