For time:

2 min plate switches
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats

400m run
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats

300 rope jumps
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats

400m row
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats

50 burpees
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats

Post time to comments

Daily Extras -

3 min plate switches
3 min side hops R (4" platform)
3 min side hops L

Ever take a week off for a vacation only to feel CRUSHED by the workout your first day back? 

It's weird, right? Like, you'd think there is NO WAY I could lose so much fitness in just 1 week, could I? 

Well ... Yes. You can. The article below summarizes it pretty well, but it missed a few things. Read the article then, come back for more.

9 Unexpected Things That Happen When You Abandon Your Workout Routine - Linda Melone

MORE reasons you feel like utter dog crap on the first workout back after some time off:

  1. You're not hydrated yet. If you went on a vacation, especially one that took you far away, dehydration is probably more to blame for sucking wind your first workout back than decreased fitness is. A LOT of factors contribute to this. The plane dehydrates you more than you'd think. Plus, if you've been to a more warm & humid climate for while, your cooling system got cranked up and is out of whack. Then there was the alcohol ...! Don't worry your fluid levels will normalize sooner than later. Once they do, you'll feel much better.
  2. It probably wasn't "Just ONE week off!" If we are being honest, most of us took a few days off from working out before the vacation. Then we were gone for a week. THEN it took until Thursday of the next week to get our butts back into the gym. It's a pretty standard thing to lose 2 1/2 weeks of fitness to a "one week vacation." 
  3. You've been eating like crap! Ever wonder why Monday's workout is so rough? It's not the programming, its the detox! For most of us, Sunday is the day we indulge a little. OK- A LOT! All that sugar is hard on your system. There is a reason that severe diabetics (folks with chronic high blood sugar levels) can lose their vision, can lose feeling in their legs and can end up with heart/kidney/liver disease. Too much sugar damages your body from inside out! It takes a day or two to recover and detox from the damaging effects of a single cheat day. Now times that single cheat day by however many days we typically "indulge" while on a vacation. It adds up. 
  4.  Visions of sugar plums are still dancing in our heads. Sometimes its simply a mood thing. It can be a little tough to settle back into our daily grind after spending 10 days in a tropical paradise. 

The cure for all of this? Get your butt back into the gym - PRONTO! Every day you stay away is just another day of fitness lost, another day of eating gone wrong and another day of trying to cope with the daily grind minus the mental, emotional and social benefits of a good solid workout. 
