AMRAP in 25 min.
4 ten meter high knee sprints
20 OH DB presses 15/20 ea.
20 DB biceps curls 15/20 ea.
20 OH triceps ext 15/20
Post rounds completed to comments.
Daily Extras - 10 more minutes please.
Workout Notes:
GPP HQ is open by appointment only. 6 people per 45 min. time slot. Click HERE to sign-up!
Stay focused.
Stricter movements are better today. It Oct. This means we do the shaping version of this workout. It'll be March before we do the less strict version again.
Yes, this workout used to be called "AMRAP S,S,B,T." But before that, we called it round the horn. Mainly because I dropped the 5 second rest after each run and I have a compulsion to measure apples against apples. But, I have to agree with Katie. AMRAP S,S,B,T is a stupid name for a classic workout. So, we taking it back to the original.
Musings …
Dual Personality Workout Alert!
This workout is cool because it has dual personalities. Strict lifting technique coupled with sprints forces your body into a highly anaerobic state. Like Dr. Izumi Tabata discovered (scientifically, for the first time), highly intense bouts of anaerobic work leads to both anaerobic and aerobic benefits. Jumping the presses & triceps and then swinging the biceps wold make this workout more aerobic which would somewhat limit the over-all anaerobic gains. While that doesn't fit our programming THIS week, swinging/jumping the movements would be a valid way to do this workout when we need more aerobic work while resting the anaerobic system.