Warm-up - 3 rounds (rest 90 sec between each round)
20 Aussie pullups
20 v-twists 15/20
20 lat pull downs 5/9
20 situps
Workout: 5 rounds (no rest)
8-12 unilateral DB row R AHAP
150 m arms only row
8-12 unilateral DB row L AHAP
150 m arms only row
Post weights used per round.
Daily Extras -
- Ladies complete 75 PERFECTLY strict pushups
- Gents complete 100 PERFECTLY strict pushups
Workout Notes:
- Stay flexible with the number of Aussies you do today. It's just a warm up. If you typically get sore arms from these, stay below 50 total. Less if you're new. Take plenty of rest between warm-up sets. 90-120 seconds suggested.
- Take no rests between rounds of the workout. It'll be interesting to see the difference between the weights posted for set #1 vs. set #5.
- Remember this suggestion? "It'll be interesting to see the difference in weights posted between this workout and the NEXT time we do this one, which is the point."
- Having a hard time doing those pushups (daily extras) using STRICT form? Try one knee pushups.
There is a lot of love in the world. Today I am proud of humanity. There have been a few folks ask how they can help with the search effort for finding our friend Annie. I also know a few who are either up in Oregon right now or are looking to go and would like some company. Am happy to help coordinate that effort. Please drop questions to comments, or send to neil@gppfitness.com.