Daily Extras -
Add 7 squats per minute.
What are we doing next week for RX+?
Cool stuff.
We are going old school. Lifting and conditioning every day. Plan on each workout taking 30-45 min each time (two-a-days). It's old school because we'll be doing a classic 6 day split shaping routine (hitting all 7 major body parts) for the first workout, and following it up with a heavy breather for the second. For example, on Monday we'll might be doing chest and triceps for the shaping and later in the day you'd come back and do cardio interlude, or Tabatas. See how it works?
If you are going to get anything out of these 2-a-days, you'll need to tune up your diet along with these cool workouts. Start today! Start eating clean NOW. If you wait until Monday, you're more likely to fail.
It's no secret that the physical demand on your body during weeks like this is ROUGH! If you wait until next week to start making adjustments to your diet/nutrition you'll just be "pilling stink on top of sh*t," as my Pop would say.
What else can you do?
I've seen a lot of things work for folks. Everybody is a bit different, but there are few methods & techniques that the most successful of folks seem to have in common. Here are a couple of the many I've noticed:
- They commit. Like, wild horses couldn't pull them away from their commitment to better health and fitness. Seems like a simple step, but most folks (90% + of folks who begin the journey to health and fitness quit within 6 months) seem to go at this health pursuit with one foot in the door and the other foot out. We would never ask you to commit your entire life to this pursuit (unless your life is eminently hanging in the balance). It doesn't take THAT much effort. Plus it's not healthy. But, giving a 50% effort to what's required is a sure recipe for utter failure.
- Develop a healthy support system. Easiest way to do this is grab a friend and drag them along with you. If you don't have a friend as committed as you are - make one. Remember, it's now 2015. We know "workout buddies" that live states away from each other. Some of these folks have never been eyeball to eyeball.
- Embrace the SUCK. Tap dance around the pain (slight soreness, hunger, changing lifestyle habits) all you want. Eventually you'll have to pay the piper. Anyone who says differently is selling something. Most often (read: EVERYTIME), what they are selling amounts to nothing more than a way to pay the piper TWICE.
It's going to be a fun week.
Janie lost 100 lbs! So proud of her!