3 rounds for time:  

800m run
10 pullups
10 clapping pushups

Post time to comments.   

Daily Extras - Add:

5 pullups to each round
15 pushups to each round
800 m run to the end of this workout. 

Workout Notes:

  • It'll be fun to start this week with some heavy breathing. 
  • Need to stay away from your legs today, because we are going to thump them tomorrow!
  • You don't have many rounds to do the pullups and pushups today.  It's only 30 total movements each.  This means you can't waste them.  To get the most benefit, study the movements carefully and perform them with extra attention to form and intensity.  If you do them right, you won't need more to see progress.     

Are we doing RX+ this year? 

I wasn't planning on it. Sometimes a thing just runs it's course. It's been an amazing 3 year run, but I was kind of - over it. I asked around about it. The vets were like, "Meh..." I mean, they said they'd do it, but don't care either way. 

"But why don't you care?" I asked.

"Frankly man, the thought of sprints and hill repeats in hundred degree weather, just isn't all that appealing."

It's a good point. 

So, I was talking to Spencer out of NWA last Saturday. He said the NWA crew was looking forward to it, but the sprints, stairs and hill climbs were, once again, going to suck. But they were very much looking forward to the refocusing effect of 2-a-day workouts. This got us thinking. Maybe we could still do RX+ week, but keep it mainly indoors. It'd take some programming, but we COULD still do them at our gyms. 

I bounced this off a couple of Peeps. Consensus was - IT'S ON! 

Prepare yourself. Our 2-a-day challenge begins next week! Monday, Aug 3rd. 

Nothing to pay for. Nothing to sign up for. Just commit and DO IT! Are you in? Can you refocus and plow this with a few of us next week? Take a couple of days and think about it. And if you decide you CAN, let it be known here. Just type "IN" to comments. Those who complete every workout scheduled next week earn the right to wear the RX+. It is not a requirement to do every rep, of every set, of every weight recommended. Just commit to completing YOUR version of EVERY WORKOUT. 

Wear it with pride. It is the only black shirt we offer at GPP HQ - and you have to earn it.