For time:
10 power cleans 65/95
200 m run
20 power cleans 65/95
400 m run
30 power cleans 65/95
800 m run
30 power cleans 65/95
800 m run
20 power cleans 65/95
400 m run
10 power cleans 65/95
200 m run
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Daily Extra's -
1 mile run
Workout Notes:
- Running up that hill is all fine and good. It's coming back down that stings a little.
- Keep your back straight. Keep your back straight. Keep your back straight.
- This workout is famous for blistering thumbs. Gloves?
- Note the two 30 sets.
- If your low back begins to object - be done.
- Come a little early and warm up. After you are warm, do some light stretching. Especially low back and piriformis.
GPP seems to be the only training system that understands the importance of working the nervous system in a deliberate manner.