For Time:

25 burpees 
25 burpee - pullups 
25 burpee - OH DB presses 15/20 ea
burpee - power clean 65/95
burpee - double pumper 

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Daily Extras - 3 rounds for time:

20 KB swings 25/35
20 KB clusters 25/35
20 KB swings 25/35

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Workout Notes:

  1. Don't be intimidated by this workout. The hardest part is the fist 25 burpees. After that, it's like sleepy time. You almost feel guilty about how easy it is. 
  2. Vets, if you want more out of this, leave the burpees for the end. They are harder at the end. Even though the rest of this is pretty easy. 
  3. Keep neutral spine on those PCs. Re-set deliberately after each burpee. 
  4. Commit to touching your chest on every pushups. Every ONE!
  5. Burpee: King of All Exercises
  6. 100 burpees sub 5 min

Q & A:

Trying something new, I answered a question (via video) from N. Monaco who follows from off-site. Thanks for the Q!

If you have questions please submit them HERE

GPP Intensive Training Seminar 
Apr 17 (eve)& Apr 18 (all day)
For more info click button ==>

Peeps out-n-about using their fitness this weekend!