Warm-up - 3 sets (rest 90 sec between each)
Workout: 5 rounds (no rest)
8-12 unilateral DB row R AHAP
150 m arms only row
8-12 unilateral DB row L AHAP
150 m arms only row
Post weights used per round.
Daily Extras -
- Ladies complete 75 PERFECTLY strict pushups
- Gents complete 100 PERFECTLY strict pushups
Workout Notes:
- Stay flexible with the number of Aussies you do today. It's just a warm up. If you typically get sore arms from these, stay below 50 total. Less if you're new. Take plenty of rest between warm-up sets. 90-120 seconds suggested.
- Take no rests between rounds of the workout. It'll be interesting to see the difference between the weights posted for set #1 vs. set #5.
- Remember this suggestion? "It'll be interesting to see the difference in weights posted between this workout and the NEXT time we do this one, which is the point." Go see!
- Having a hard time doing those pushups (daily extras) using STRICT form? Try one knee pushups.
What is your fav body type? Is it one that is not pictured? I LOVE the thought of raising the "body image" subject here at GPP. We need to do more of it. Post thoughts to comments.
GPP End of the Year Sale
I NEVER do sales. Ever. There are a lot of reasons for this. We can get into it another time.
I've always wanted to try a sale. Seems like the real "business" thing to do. Plus I love the thought of folks getting into amazing shape for the coming year for a discount. So here is my best effort for 2 sales I'd like to try (one for our members, the other for former members).
These sales offers will end Jan 2nd.
The "We Miss You & Want You Back" Sale
If you've ever been a member of GPP, I will honor our pre 6/1/15 prices if you'll commit to 6 months of storming. Not up front. It's just $100/mo. That's 25% off!
"We LOVE Our Members and Couldn't Do it Without You" Sale
Current members of GPP who commit to 6 months of storming can have the our 12/month contract price of $90 per month.
Those who are already storming a 12 month contract are entitled to $80/month
Ever see a flock of noble seagulls hunkered down facing headlong into miserable weather?