For time:
1000 rope jumps
200 KB swings 25/35
200 press jacks 15/20 ea.
100 squats
100 situps
This will be a LONG one. Clock will start exactly on schedule.
You may NOT partition.
Post time to comments.
Workout notes:
We've inadvertently been going pretty hard at your tailbone this week. If you find you're a little raw from all those V-ups, you may consider switching the situps for tap down crunches. You'll need to add 50 reps (so, 150) to make up for the shortened ROM.
I challenge you (vets only) to go as deep into that press jack set as you can. Some of you have done ALL them in 1 single go before.
Make quicker transitions than normal. Since this workout is not partitioned, stacking all those reps becomes pretty draining. Here's the thing, they are more draining mentally, than they are physically. In general, your body is ready to go right into the next exercise. It can do this immediately. Instead of jumping off that last rep and taking a break for a drink of cool refreshing H2O before starting the next exercise, plan ahead and storm straight over to the next exercise and do at least 20 reps before taking a break. You might be surprised to learn you don't really need as much rest as you originally thought. Plus you'll gain some of the added benefit of a higher intensity workout.
Have a great weekend. Hope you'll outside and be active.
Also, if you happen to be in some amazing color up in the hills, snap a pic of yourself. High def is best! We'd love to see you and feature it on the site.
Wow, Jilyn!