Complete 3 rounds of: 

200m sprint
25 tick tocks R 35/54
25 tick tocks L 35/54
25 donkey kicks
25 swipers 15/20 (R+L=1)
200m sprint
25 stability rev back extensions
25 inchworm w/ tuck jump
25 V-up ball transfers

Post perceived exertion level to comments.  Re-comment 24 hours later.

Don't forget, we are adding a class at HQ. Starting Monday the 15th, M-Th, we are adding the 9pm under the excellent instruction of Teresa Auva'a!

Yep. T!

There have been a few who have asked for it over the years, so let's try it. Let's give it a month, or so and see if it works. If you've had any friends who've been hoping to catch a class with us, but the time's have never worked out, please let them know. Also, if you miss the workout throughout the day and just know you're not going to sleep unless throw down - see you there!  

Have some "pride" in yourself! (musings by Neil)

Long femurs? Try these next time we DL. (Janalee)