5 rounds OTC (On Trainer's Count) -

20 DB halos 15/20 (R+L=1)

20 floor Jacks

20 side Jacks R

20 side Jacks L

20 Superman Jacks

20 swipers 15/20 (R+L=1)

Post Rx or reps missed to comments.

Our "Ab Days" are special.  They are also unique to our industry.  Not many facilities are doing them anymore.  They mistakenly believe that your core will simply "take care of itself" if you are training right anyway.  

"Training right?"  

How is it that someone could be training right without paying specific attention to the core?  The core is the catalyst of every movement you do.  It is the connector between any movement involving the upper and lower body (yep, that is a LOT of movements).  It is critical to EVERY physical activity (running, jumping, skiing, surfing, hiking, climbing, etc. & etc.) you participate in.  A strong core is the ONE thing ALL experts agree will help to prevent spinal injuries.  Yet, fitness "experts" of the world are content to rely on the core to "take care of itself???"

Not GPP.  We think something so critically important to our over-all healthy success should be paid specific attention to.  It is one of the reasons we see so very much broad scale improvement and success with our programming.  It is also why GPP participants experience so little back injury compared to other programs.

Happy Core Day everyone!


We'd like to start off our 21 day challenge (details to come) with body fat measurements.  We've never really done body fat measurement at GPP before.  We aren't convinced the info is much more valuable than weighing and measuring, but that said, it is interesting stuff. Fun to know and valuable for what it is.

We contacted the people at bod pod. They said they'd be happy to bring a pod (quite accurate) to the gym on the opening day of our challenge and process everyone who is interested - for a price.  Normal price is somewhere around $40. If there are enough of us, (like 25 or so) price could be $10ish each.  I'm doin it. It's been years since I got my BF tested. I'd be interested to know. 

If you'd be interested in doing it too, let us know in comments.  If there is enough interest, we'll get them here!   

Before GPP (Left) - After (Right).  Strong work Janey!