You have 5 min to complete the series. Your rest is commensurate with finish time. A new series begins every 5 min. Complete 4 series of work.
35 press jacks 15/20 ea.
35 squats
35 v-ups
35 bent rows 45/65
Post rest times per series to comments.
GPP Kid's Class Summer Series started today (pic left). Inspiring stuff. Terrific for the kids. The class is almost at capacity, but Candice says she can fit a couple more. If your kids (ages 11-17) would like to join the fun, please register them today, or bring them to the next class. Classes are T & Th at 10:30 am.
GPP SoJo! Garrett is one of the finest examples of pure fitness we have ever seen. Very privileged to have him on staff. If you are in the South Jordan area of Utah, look him up. You can't go wrong with this guy. Links coming soon!