Perform 8 rounds of 20 seconds work followed immediately by 10 seconds rest for each of the following exercises.  Complete all 8 rounds before moving to the next exercise.

KB swings 25/35
alt. biceps DB curls 15/20 ea.
rope jumps
box jumps

Post total reps for each exercise to comments

GPP Shaping vs. Conditioning Curls

We are doing a new thing.  It's kind of like Yoga, but it's not.  It's kind of like Pilates, but it's not.  We don't love either of those methods individually.  But we like them both.  We also like other flexibility and strengthening techniques.  So, we've partnered with Marla Keller (14 yr. Yoga/Pilates vet. and highly trained instructor) to develop our own thing by combining key principles of many different disciplines.  

We've been testing it for over a month now.  Results have been amazing.  

Our new type of training has several intentions.  

1 - It increases your functional flexibility throughout all ranges of motion.
2 - It increases your core strength
3 - It increases your static strength.
4 - It is healing and restorative.

Much of what we do at GPP is fast and explosive.  It should be.  Fast and explosive is how your body acts in nature.  It is also the most efficient and effective way to increase health and fitness.  However, there is a different side of fitness that has unique benefits that we can also capitalize on.  By participating in this slower, more regenerative and healing type of exercise just once per week, we can experience benefits that will increase our ability to storm GPP workouts, and gain even better health, recovery, strength and flexibility. 

I injured my neck riding my bike last March/April.  I've struggled to look R without pain for 10-11 months.  After taking Marla's class I am finally beginning to heal.  I attribute this to increased strengthening of the small muscles around my neck and increased flexibility in my upper body (neck, shoulders, back).  

This class is so new, we don't even know what to call it yet.  We'll work on that.  What we do know is that we are offering it for FREE TO MONTHLY MEMBERS at GPP HQ. It is so beneficial, we'd like all to consider it part and parcel to your weekly programming.  Those who'd like to experience the unique benefits of this class outside of GPP are welcomed ($10 at the door).  

Stretching class is every Wednesday night at 7:30pm.  It lasts approximately an hour.  It is suitable for all fitness levels. It isn't a class designed to "kick your butt."  We get plenty of that with GPP daily programming.  It is slow, easy (ish), restorative and regenerative training.  That being said, parts of it kicked my butt (in a very new way) the first couple of times. 

Hope to see you there.  Please bring your own Yoga mat.

Have you been thinking about giving GPP a try? There was never a better time than RIGHT NOW!  Spring is here and summer (swimsuit season) is just around the corner.  

GPP is offering our One Month Unlimited Single Membership for 50% OFF for NEW members.

If you refer a friend(s) for the above offer we'll give you 20% off your next month.

Legal Stuff (new members)
Offer valid through March 31.  Expires 180 days after purchase. Limit 1 per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts.  Valid only for option purchased.  Subject to availability. Valid for new members who haven't used GPP services within 12 months. Month begins on day of first visit and expires 31 days days later.

Legal Stuff (referrals)
Offer valid through March 31. Expires 180 days after referral. Referral must list you as their contact on day of sign-up. Offer is for 20% off your current monthly membership dues.  Offer is extended to one month only. Also, we love you.  You are awesome for referring folks to us.  Thank you!

Love this time of year!