Warm-up -  3 sets of each.

1 min stab plank holds
10 bar pushups

Workout -  5 supersets of each.

8-12 reps of stab chest press AHAP
15-20 reps of stab chest flys AHAP

Post weights and reps used per set to comments. 

This is one of our favorite Tuesday "Push" workouts.  Seems like we just did it, but you have to go back to January to find the last time we stormed this one.  We need to put this onto you about every third month to keep it effective.  Actually, we could do it more - no problem. 

If you haven't gotten into this "Tuesday" thing yet, allow us a bit of a plug.  Tuesday's are AWESOME. They are critical for your development and recovery.  They are crucial for improving your health.  They are the perfect compliment to the other 4 workouts we schedule during the week.  Each Tuesday is arranged to be pivotal, in terms of our monthly mesocyclic & yearly macrocyclic planning. Need more convincing?  Please read:

Super Tuesdays

One thing that makes us incredibly different at GPP is the fact that we actually program your workouts.  Your weekly workouts have a specific purpose. Your monthly workouts are coordinated with your weeks and focused to bring on a certain result.  This way your quarterly advancements will be brought about in a very definite way.  Each week, month, quarter has a specific purpose.

Oh, we know that this is "NOT super cool" anymore.  Randomly hucking workouts at clients is ALL THE RAGE, right now. 

We don't get it.

In our experience, randomized programming brings with it randomized results.  This is usually accompanied by randomized (if not, frequent/catastrophic) injury.

We don't see randomized workouts as beneficial - with ONE exception.  Random workouts are pretty useful "Cloaking Devices" for new and inexperienced trainers.  Most trainers coming onto the scene right now think being able to dish out a good HELL BEATIN' is all it takes to be an effective purveyor of health. 

We disagree.  

Instead of looking for newer, better and faster ways of knocking the pee out of you, we prefer finding scientific ways of advancing your health in a very complete, balanced and effective manner.  Not that you won't have your nose knocked into the dirt from time to time down here. But, that's NEVER the point. Mostly never. :)

From afox in comments 3/10/14: 

Proud mommy/gpp moment:

My son Ty has never enjoyed or been particularly good at endurance type sports (apple doesn't fall far from the tree and all that). He ran a 5k with me last year and really struggled, had to walk about half of it. Since then, he has been doing GPP kids every season.

I was going on a 5 mile run Saturday and he asked if he could run with me. He did amazing! Ran the whole thing. No side-aches, burning lungs, or walk breaks. So proud! He even signed up for a race next weekend!

My kid is GPP strong! <3


GPP Kids "Spring Series"  begins Apr 7.  Click HERE for more info and/or to register.