Warm-up -

35 - K2S
100 piri crunches R
100 piri crunches L
100 stab crunches (feet elevated)

Workout - 5 sets of:

10 BW dead lifts
Rest 2 1/2 min.

Post strings of consecutive ab moves and weight used for DLs to comments. 

We love the thought of decompressing the spine before and after a heavy dead lifting (squatting, bent rows, and etc.) workout.  If you did this right, you'd add a few crunches to the end of your workout.  We suggest 50, or so. 

BW deadlifts aren't technically a "heavy" dead lifting workout, but you may still benefit from some lower back work (stretching and etc.) before and after the workout. 

The thing to know is, some of us do better with flexion of the spine than we do with extension.  Check our decompressing article for more info on this.  Either way, those crunches are great for warming up your core.  A warm core is especially important on a dead lift day.  

A note passed to us from Tory (GPP group storming with us out of the Eagle Mountain area).  He's doing some great work South of here.  Strong work all!

"Sooooo, i have to say the GPP Fitness classes I have been taking with Tory Flinders are freakin awesome and it just proved it to me today!!

I went on a run, the first run in over a week.  I ran 3 miles and shaved 3 minutes off my time!!  GPP has helped me with my strength and endurance.  I was not expecting to go on a run and run as fast as I did.  I'm sooo freakin happy."

If you follow us from that area, go look Tory up.  Email admin@gppfitness.com and we'll pass your info along.


An AMAZING transformation 1/12/12 - 2/1/14.  Congratulations Neely (5 am).  Thank you for the inspiration.

"I cannot believe what GPP has done for me!  I started just to try something new.  Never in my mind did I think I would have ran 2 half marathons and Ragnar!  GPP is life changing.  I keep getting stronger and feeling better every day!"